My class learned all about penguins. Here is a glimpse of what we did.
We read an array of non fiction books about penguins. These are some of my favorites.
Here is the poem the class added to their poetry books. We made up fun movements to remember the words.
We learned about the parts of a penguin. Here is a sample of our diagram. They glued the words onto the penguin.
The class made penguins by cutting paper into the shapes needed to resemble each part of the body. I did not let them use any pencils or crayons for this art project. I wanted them to use scissors to cut the shapes they needed. If you look at the picture on the right you can see the world map that I drew. We put penguins on the continents that they live on. This is a GLAD strategy. You outline the continents lightly in pencil before you begin teaching and during the lesson you trace over each continent as your discussing it.
I have this cool life size poster of an Emperor Penguin. I hung it on the door and had the kids stand by it to see if they were as tall as an Emperor Penguin. The pictures were adorable that I took!
Do you happen to remember where you got the life-sized penguin poster? I'd love to add it to my penguin unit!
would love to know where you got the life-sized penguin poster
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