Thursday, August 1, 2013


Hello! I can now say that my kindergarten class are experts on plants! Here are a few highlights of our plant unit.

My class had a ball planting grass and vegetables. They also enjoyed watching the roots sprout on the plants above. 

My kinders learned about the different parts of a plants, as well as, what a plant needs to survive.

They drew their own plant and labeled the parts.

After learning about plants we filled about this chart.  I got the labels for this chart from the blog  Golden Gang Kindergarten

My kinders filled out this worksheet using the chart from above. I found this worksheet at Golden Gang Kindergarten.  

Here are the plant books that I read to my class. I love the beautiful photographs in these books!

My kinders learned all about vegetables and fruits!  They came up with many great fruits and vegetables to add to our chart.  
My class learned how they eat the flowers, stems, and roots of plants! We made a chart to show the vegetables that fall into each category.  

To wrap up our plant unit I came up with a fun activity to test their knowledge on fruits and vegetables.   I gave each child a book that I called, "My Fruit and Vegetable Passport." Partners walked around the classroom looking for pictures that answered the questions in their passport.  

Once they found the picture they recored the name of the fruit or vegetable, and gave themselves a stamp.  Many of the class referred to our Fruit and Vegetable anchor chart to check their answers. 

My kinders gave this activity a two thumbs up!!

Miss H.

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