Sunday, April 7, 2013

St. Patrick's Day and an Experiment

Hello! I'm so glad you dropped by to read how we celebrated St. Patrick's Day!

I made salt dough shamrocks for the kids to paint green for St. Patrick's Day.  The sneaky Leprechaun turned them gold!

When we got back from our scavenger hunt we found a beautiful rainbow that the Leprechaun left for us.  If you want to read more about the scavenger hunt check my last years post.

This has to be one of my favorite art projects!  They turned out so stinkin adorable! I got the idea for these on the blog The Art of Teaching: A Kindergarten Blog.

Here is a simple experiment to teach kids about primary colors.  All you need is a blue, red, and yellow marker, 3 cups of water and pre- cut strips of paper.  I taught my kinders that by mixing different combinations of the three primary colors we can make secondary colors like green.  My class was excited to try to figure what two colors make green.  

Partners worked together to create new colors.  First, we decided that we were going to see if mixing red and blue would make green.  One partner colored red onto a strip and the other colored blue.  Together they put the strips of paper into the water to see if it made green. 

Next, they tried red and yellow but had no luck making green.  

Lastly, they mixed blue and yellow and wah lah the water turned green!

Here is a snap shot of the lesson I created on my SmartBoard to keep track of our findings.  

Miss H.

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