All teachers know that the last couple of weeks of school can be well... a little painful. The kids sense summer break and their behavior changes with the season. With that in mind I was trying to come up with a fun summer activity that would engage them and that's when camping popped into my head! What could be more fun than camping? Apparently nothing my class loved it!!!
In order to prepare for my camping theme I headed on over to Eberhart's Explorers and The First Grade Parade to get some ideas. The campsite idea above came from Eberhart's Explorers it was easy to prepare. The fire was made out of orange, yellow and red tissue paper sitting on top of sticks that I collected. Thanks to my dad (who is a camping fanatic) for letting me borrow his camping chair.
The kids were so excited to sit around the campfire (with the lights dimmed) and sing campfire songs. Their favorite campfire song was called A- Camping We Will Go (tune: Farmer in the Dell). Not only did we sing songs but we also learned about fire safety. The kids learned Smokey Bear's Five Rules for Fire Prevention. We talked about forest fires and how it effects the animals that live in our beautiful forest (it was an eye opening conversation for many of them).
We started off our unit by graphing who has been camping and who hasn't. The idea for the tent graph came from The First Grade Parade.
Can anyone say, "yummy!" My class sure did!!! The kids had a blast making and eating their S'mores!
After we ate our S'mores the kids made a keepsake to take home to remember the day. I found this idea on The First Grade Parade.
Together we brainstormed about the steps to make S'mores. I typed their ideas and they glued them in order on the back of their art. They were thrilled about being able to bring this home to share with their parents about how to make S'mores.
This idea also came from The First Grade Parade. I had the class describe how the S'mores tasted to them. I was BLOWN away with the adjectives that came out of their mouths!
Before I sign off I want to share who showed up to grace me with his presence the day I packed up my classroom...
This GUY!
Thanks for stopping by! I'll be blogging again soon!
Miss Hood
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