Happy belated Valentine's Day!
The month of February is always hectic with the hundreds day of school, Valentine's Day, and the Presidents holiday there is so much to teach and so much fun to be had! Check it out!
What doesn't say love more than a butterfly and fish made out of hearts?
I used my new app called Bubble Frame to frame these pictures.
Another cute art project we did was making a heart person. For the body they were given a piece of paper to write who their valentine was. I think they turned out adorable!
So many Valentine books to read and so little time!

These were a few of my kinders favorites.
Here is our Valentine's Day poem. We made up silly movements to help us remember the words and then added it to our poetry books.
We used heart Marshmallows to estimate how many were in a jar.
I had my kinders guess what they thought was in my present and then write about it in their journals. They were very excited when we opened it up and the mice popped out!
During the beginning of February I assigned a family project to make a mailbox to hold their Valentines in. They turned out so amazing!

Have you ever read the book Valentine Surprise? It's about a little girl who makes a heart for everyday of the week for her mom. After reading the book we graphed what heart they liked the best. As you can see, the fat heart had the most votes!
We sorted and graphed Conversation Heart Candies. Obviously, this was a huge hit with the kinders!
Here are a few of last weeks centers...
I found this idea on the blog Sprinkles to Kindergarten and changed it to make it work for my class. The object of the game is to find what cup the bear is hidden under by saying the sight word.
The kinders matched the phrase on the heart to the matching heart on the cookie sheet.
I found these cute heart glasses at Target and thought they would be perfect for my write the room center.
This idea came from the blog The Wonder Years. I changed it a bit to challenge my students. I had them roll two dice, add the numbers together, and then build a tower to put on the sum. Easy and fun!
Thanks for stopping by!
Miss H